Az104 — Recovery Services Vault
1 min readDec 4, 2020
· A Recovery Services vault enables Site Recovery to complete disaster recovery replication.
· These vaults use storage accounts to store data backups, VM configuration settings, and workloads.
- The target resources for Site Recovery replication have to be in a different Azure region.
- The storage account that stores the backed-up data must also be in a different region to the resources being protected.
- The target region allows the creation of VMs, and has enough resources to match the size of the existing VMs.
· Every Azure VM you want to replicate has to register with Site Recovery.
· For a VM to register, Site Recovery requires the latest root certificates installed on the VM.
· On a Windows VM, you’ll need to make sure to install all the latest Windows updates.
· The process for updating root certificates on Linux VMs varies from distribution to distribution.
You’ll need to follow the guidance published by the distributor